This is a perfect recipe for a buffet brunch. You can use roasted vegetable left overs. My favorite is using my veggie fajita left overs from a night out at my Favorite Mexican Restaurant. Get Creative!

Vegetarian Frittata

Veggie Frittata

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Total Time 17 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • 1/2 Onion Chopped
  • cup Vegetable of your choice Sliced
  • 1/2 cup Shedded Mexican Cheese Low Fat
  • 4 Eggs or use 2 eggs and mix with egg whites


NOTE: You will need an 12″ omelet pan with a handle that can withstand the heat of your oven.

    Preheat Oven 350 degrees

    • Scramble your eggs and put aside.
    • In a 12″ omelet pan sauté the onions then add your chopped vegetables. Just sauté the vegetables a few minutes, do not over cook.
    • Pour in your eggs and cover the pan. Cook on medium heat until slight set. Sprinkle with shredded Mexican mix low fat cheese and put in the oven.
    • Cook until eggs are completely cooked and cheese is melted.
    • Slice like a pie and serve.

    Serves 4


    Soups & Stews
    Side Dishes
    Dips & Dressings
    Milks & Cheeses